Info! You seem to have navigated to a song, these are still accessible, but you shouldn't see any links on my site to here. I have depricated storing lyrics on this site, party due to zero click google searches increasing, and me providing little value with a large time investment required. You can find all kinds of lyrics in various sea shanty books.

Covid Shanty


There once was a bug that couldn't be seen

And the name of the bug was Covid-19

The bug it spread from town to town

And that made everyone down


But soon may the doctors come

To stick a vaccine in your arm

And one day when the jabbin' is done

That bug will leave and go!


Well, the bug it mucked up everyone's lives

And we're all going mad cos we're stuck inside

We've gone so mad that we feel no shock

When shanties trend on Tik Tok!


Soon may the nurses come

To stick a vaccine in your arm

And one day when the jabbin' is done

That bug will leave and go!

So, go get your vaccine done

So we can all stop feeling glum

One day when the jabbin' is done

We'll all be weller men!

Info! Lyrics don't seem right? Due to the nature of sea shanties, many different variations exist. Contact me if you believe any song should be updated